Helpful Resources

Learn more from posts and recipes, and discover frameworks and products you can use to make your life feel more balanced, productive, and joy-filled.

Rebuilding Trust in Your Friend Circle: A Step-by-Step Guide

Deanna MarieFoundation of Trust Trust is the foundation of any strong friendship. Yet, there are times when trust can be compromised due to misunderstandings, betrayals, or simply drifting apart. Rebuilding trust in your friend circle requires effort, patience, and...

Four Exercises to Support Your Gut Microbiome: A Step-by-Step Guide

Nina Zorfass, IIN Content WriterYour gut and your health IIN loves to talk about the gut, and for good reason – how we take care of our gut health is a large determinant of our overall health, from digestion and elimination to mental well-being and beyond. What it...

Cauliflower Rice with Grilled Shrimp and Spicy Drizzle

Prep Time 25 MinutesCook Time 10 MinutesYield 3-4 ServingsIngredients 1 head cauliflower 1 medium yellow onion 2 cloves garlic 1 large zucchini ¾ lb large shrimp 1 cup almonds ½ cup water 2 tbsps favorite hot sauce, or to taste 2 tbsps olive oil Juice of 1 lemon Sea...

What is Oola?

Oola is short for Ooh-la-la: it’s what life feels like when you’re happy, growing, and looking forward to what the world has in store for you. It’s the feeling you get when you’ve landed that better job, grown a bigger business, or watched your kids succeed at something they’re passionate about.

It’s what you tell yourself when you’ve bought that dream house, saved your first $10,000, or paid off the last of your debts. It’s the confidence you feel being fit and date-night ready for the first time in years—or the sense of wonder and enchantment you feel on your first trip to Paris with friends.

Whatever rocks it for you, Oola means living life firing on all cylinders—joyful, wholehearted, and ready to take advantage whenever good times and opportunity appear.

Oola is also the proven formula for getting back on track, and finding balance in our unbalanced world.

What is Young Living?

Young Living is a premium provider of essential oils and essential oil infused products.

Essential oils are aromatic, concentrated plant extracts that are carefully obtained through steam distillation, cold pressing, or resin tapping. We offer essential oils, blends, and oil-infused products with the optimal levels of specific, naturally occurring essential oil constituents to maximize their potency.

Young Living’s “Seed to Seal” standard has three pillars — sourcing, science, and standards.

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From smart tips and reminders to healthy (but yummy) recipes, Monthly Balance emails help you be more aware of the life you’re living. That way, you can make smarter decisions toward living a healthier, happier, and more balanced life.

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New Orleans, Louisiana

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Open Hours

Monday - Friday: 10am - 6pm
Saturday: 3pm - 6pm